2022                Young Author Prize, European Society for Disability Research

2020-pres.       Early-Career Scholar, Center for Religion and the Human, Indiana University

2012                Hopkins Shareholder Award, Harvard University

2008                Mansfield-Wefald Senior Thesis Prize, Telluride Association

2008                Ignacio Martín-Baró Human Rights Essay Prize, University of Chicago

2008                Honors: General and Concentration, Chicago

2007                Phi Beta Kappa (junior year), Chicago

2007                Morton-Murphy Award, Chicago

2006                Maroon Key Society, Chicago

Third-Party Funding
2021-2023       “Encountering the Divine: Developing a Framework of Religious Intelligence,” Templeton World Charity Foundation, Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Anna Corwin)

2020                Volkswagen Stiftung “Knowledge for Tomorrow” Workshop Grant (co-applicants Sandra Calkins, Kai Kresse, and Oriare Nyarwath)

2020                Engaged Anthropology Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation

2018-2019       Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship

2018                Dissertation Fellowship, Global Religion Research Initiative, Notre Dame [declined]

2016-2017       International Dissertation Research Fellowship, Social Science Research Council

2016-2017       Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation

2014                Lemelson/Society for Psychological Anthropology Pre-Dissertation Award

2013-2014       Research Experience Grant, National Science Foundation

Internal Grants
2020                Postdoctoral Working Group Grant, “Disjuncture and Collectivity,” University of Bayreuth [unable to accept]

2018                Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, NYU [able to accept in part only]

2018                Provost’s Graduate Research Institute Fellowship, NYU (Paris and London)

2016-2017       Elaine Brody Fellowship for the Humanities, NYU

2012-2018       MacCracken Fellowship, NYU

2009-2012       Presidential Fellowship, Harvard University